Practice Team

Non-urgent advice: Practice Management

Mr Jeff Powell (m)

Practice Manager

The Practice Manager will deal with any general problems, suggestions or comments you may have regarding the service. Please contact the Practice Manager via the receptionists for an appointment.

Non-urgent advice: Reception

Mrs Cheryl Flude (f)

Operations Manager

Cheryl deals with any general problems, complaints, suggestions or comments

Mrs Beverley Fitzsimmons (f)

Reception Manager

The receptionists will organise your appointments, as well as process repeat prescriptions, deal with general enquiries and assist you wherever possible. They also act as patient chaperones when required. All Red Roofs practice staff have a responsible job and they are often working under a great deal of pressure, so please allow for this.

Non-urgent advice: Admin Team

Our Admin team undertake all administration procedures relating to the practice, including processing referral letters, registering new patients, insurance and miscellaneous forms, health promotion call and recall, maternity data, target monitoring, dealing with complaints, data management, patient queries and other administrative work.